Gene Gunston: Bidet Test Subject

"Gunston Bidet use only the finest recycled water to ejaculate back up your arse."

"Bugger me, this water smells a bit iffy..."

"Fuck me, is that a floater?"
Illustrated Guide To The Various Types Of Shits That A Gunston Bidet Will Blast Out Of Your Arsecrack
We've all been there. A particularly gnarly shit that just cannot be coaxed out of your arse. Stubborn little shits! Anyway, here is an illustrated guide to these nasty critters to assist you in identifying these pesky little fuckers
The Square Peg In A Round Hole

These fucking things. Good luck fishing these fuckers out of your Grand Canyon Of Arse without the assistance of a Gunston Bidet. FFS. You may as well try shitting a roofing tile.
The Golf Balls That Don't Want To Be Found

The Gunston Bidet will go full water hazard on these fucking things. We'll have them out your arse and back on the fairway in no time.

If you've got this many golf ball-sized shits stuck up your fucking arse then maybe you should look into going to the hospital.