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All of this cool soothing water is going right up your clacka.


Gunston Guarantee.

About Section

Oh, you want to test the power of a Gunston Bidet? You want to take the fucker on? Here, eat the rocks in the picture below (watered for easier digestion of course) then once the digested rocks are down near your bumhole watch The Gunston Liquidator Mach 5  Bidet go to work on the cunts. It will send 15,000 litres of wet hydro-fuckery hurricaning it up your hoop per millisecond.


We WILL get those fucking rocks out from up your fucken arse or your money back.



"No, this individual is not paralysed from the neck down due to excessive use of The Gunston Krakatoa Hydrodeath 666 Bidet. The patient I mean customer is actually dead now and some of the rocks they ingested are still stuck in their corpse and I'm trying to use my hands to work them down towards the bumhole look would you turn that fucking microphone off please?"


Gunston Bidets


Once you start shooting half the fucken Hoover Dam up your clacka on a daily basis you will never want to stop!


Never, ever!


Experience the giddy thrill of wet bumcrack action with Gunston Bidet, the #1 name in bidets and arsecracks.


That's Gunston Bidet and we're in Wollongong.



DON'T fucking sit on this. It has NOTHING to do with The Gunston Holistic Bidet Arse Treatment. It's just a decorative cactus ffs. 

DON'T sit on this stupid cactus. It has nothing to do with Gunston Bidet and is pictured here purely for artistic decorative purposes. You stupid cunt


Fun Fact: that mountain of brown shit to the left is actually compacted arse clag that we eventually fished out of Gene's bumhole after testing the jackhammer qualities of new Gunston HydraSonic bidets using Gene-o's arsecrack. 

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